This Silly Belief is Preventing You From Making Serious Cash as a Writer
Quit your job in a year or less
If you want to make serious money as a writer, you have to get rid of this belief.
It’s a belief that held me back for years…
Had I changed this belief, I would’ve quit my job and gone full-time sooner than I did…
Once you break this belief, you’ll shave months or even years off the timeline it takes to go from broke writer to wealthy one…
So what belief is holding you back, you ask?
It’s the belief that you need to have a gigantic build-up before you start to make real cash as a writer.
Let me explain.
Most of you know that you need to build a business behind your writing to make real money, whether it’s becoming a freelancer, coaching others, or launching your first paid product.
But most of us overestimate what’s required to start building a writing business.
We think we need to hit these huge milestones before we are allowed to make money.
You think you need to build this gigantic audience and have tens of thousands of followers and email subscribers…
You think you need to be a world-class expert before you are a lot to not only coach other people but get paid high rates to coach people…
You think you need years of writing experience before you’re able to charge premium prices for freelancing…
None of these beliefs are true.
You can start making money much faster than you think.
You can build a big business without a huge audience.
You can charge high rates and earn what you deserve without having to ‘pay your dues’ and take gigs for crap pay to ‘build up your resume.’
Let’s look at each myth in a bit more depth, break down why they are lying you’re telling yourself, and provide examples for context.
Myth #1: You need a giant audience to make money with your writing business
There is at least one person you know who’d be willing to give you lots of money in exchange for your knowledge or writing services, right now.
You can start creating and selling ‘offers’ to your existing audience as soon as you’d like.
Say you have 100 email subscribers and you have a coaching package for $1,000 (low-end estimate). I’d bet you one of those subscribers would buy it.
Heck, you don’t need an email list or an audience at all to make money. Some writing samples on a Google doc, an internet connection, and access to social media to find clients are all you need.
One of my old business coaches ran a $500,000 per-year productivity coaching business with less than 3,000 people on her email list.
She sold ‘high-ticket’ coaching which means she only needs to get a few people to pay her a lot of money instead of trying to get everyone to buy.
1 percent of your audience is willing to pay 10X the normal rate of what you sell.
I remember having 1,000ish email subscribers. I thought I needed to ‘keep growing’ before I dared to sell anything.
My friend, Olivia, who runs a 7 figure business with a small audience, told me to write one email with a basic description of a coaching offer and send it to my list.
Days later I had thousands in my bank account when a few days earlier I didn’t think I had a big enough audience to make money.
Myth #2: You need to be a world-class expert to charge lots of money for your products
You’re an expert on your own life.
You have knowledge and skills that other people would give you money for, even if you don’t have fancy credentials or certifications
Take my friend Olivia.
She worked in the corporate world before starting her business. She was really good at landing six-figure corporate jobs.
She built a 7 figure business teaching people how to get six-figure corporate jobs.
You don’t always have to be the ‘start a business,’ ‘make money online,’ or ‘writing advice’ guru to make money helping others.
If you have a career others would like to get into you could teach them how to do it or you could give career development advice.
If you have a hobby that other people are also interested in you can create products about the hobby. I saw a business where this guy teaches people how to make sourdough bread. He has 10,000 followers on Twitter talking about…bread.
Any skill or interest you have can be taught and shared with people who are a few steps behind you. There’s zero need to be this big wig guru in order to get paid.’
Myth #3: It needs to take ages to go full-time
I got this idea in my mind that it would take 4–5 years to start a writing business, so that’s how long it took.
Using insights I shared with them, some of my students have quit their jobs in as fast as 9 months.
I used to beat my chest on how you had to work super hard and grind it out for years to make money, but those were my limiting beliefs talking.
Of course, you have to work hard and actually be good at what you do, but it doesn’t have to take forever.
30–90 days of solid practice is enough to make a few thousand bucks a month as a freelance writer.
If you start with a higher-ticket option for what you sell, you can collect larger chunks of money and quit your job faster.
Also, you don’t need to be a world-beating expert to land your first high-ticket client. You just need to find someone a few steps behind you who is willing to give you money for your knowledge.
Serious writers who focus, execute fast, build an audience around a topic people are willing to pay for, and charge premium rates for their products or services, can quit their jobs in under a year.
This is going to be my focus moving forward. Helping you get skilled fast so you can charge lots of money for your products and services.
I’ll even show you how to create them if you have no idea where to start.
Here’s what you need to remember, though, you don’t need to do all this buttering up before you start to make money.
You’re a lot closer than you think.
You just have to get started.
I’m looking for three writers who want to level up their writing skills and make money at the same time.
If that sounds like you, reply to this email the word ‘monetize’ to
Note: this is not a job offer, nor is it a free coaching call. It will be a talk to see if you’re a good fit to get help from me as a coach.
Every day I have this overwhelming feeling of doubt . This helped clear alot up and encourages me to keep going.
You’re mixing up marketing and writing.